
Tip Toes Dance Street Dance Kids T-shirt


This Street Dance kids t-shirt comes branded with graffiti style text design on a black t-shirt. T-shirts come printed in our shiny silver holographic print to the front and a personalised name and text to the reverse.

Name to appear on the reverse

SKU: N/A Category:


This Street Dance kids t-shirt comes branded with graffiti style text design on a black t-shirt. T-shirts come printed in our shiny silver holographic print to the front and a personalised name and text to the reverse.



Additional information


Age 1/2 (24"), Age 2/3 (25"), Age 3/4 (26"), Age 5/6 (28"), Age7/8 (30"), Age 9/11 (32"), Age 12/13 (34"), Small (35/37")


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